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The Working Principles of Petrol Station Fuel Tanks and How to Maintain Them

26 April 2023

Owners of petrol stations know how important these businesses are to vehicle owners. Through their establishments, vehicle owners can obtain the needed fuel for their cars, vans, and others just by visiting them.

Given the importance of their business operations, they should always ensure that their petrol station elements will work in great conditions. Some elements petrol stations often maximise include fuel pumps, fuel dispensers, fuel storage tanks, and air pumps. The fuel storage tanks, in particular, can store a large amount of fuel for the pumps.

How Petrol Station Fuel Tanks Work

Petrol station fuel tanks are designed to store and distribute petrol and diesel to fuel dispensers. Small underground tanks can hold a few thousand litres of fuel, while large above-ground tanks can hold millions of litres of fuel.

These fuel tanks work on the principle of gravity and pressure. The fuel inside these tanks is often stored at a slightly higher pressure than atmospheric pressure, allowing it to flow to the dispensers without needing a pump. Once needed, the tanks can pump the fuel to the dispensers until it reaches the vehicle through valves and pumps. The pumps are often located inside the tank and are activated when fuel is required. They draw it from the tank and push it Regular maintenance of petrol station fuel tanks by professionals is necessary so they can continuously store a large amount of fuel and keep it safe for a long time. through the pipes to the dispenser.

Tanks used by petrol stations are also equipped with numerous safety features. Some of them are leak detection systems, overfill protection and emergency shut-off valves. They are designed to shut off the flow of fuel in the event of a leak or other emergency, deterring spills and reducing the risk of fire or explosion.

The fuel transfer process from the tanks to the vehicles is carefully monitored and controlled so that only the correct amount of fuel is dispensed. Monitoring and controlling the process can also ensure that risks of leaks or spills are reduced.

Maintaining Petrol Station Fuel Tanks

The effectiveness of petrol station fuel tanks can only be retained if they are maintained regularly. Here are some ways to maintain them.

  • Inspect the Tanks Regularly: As the owner of a petrol station, you must have your petrol station fuel tanks inspected regularly by professionals to optimally detect any signs of wear, tear, and damage. Through regular inspections, professionals may detect any leaks or cracks that may already be present in your tanks. Inspections should be done at least once a year. However, more frequent inspections are necessary if the tanks are exposed to harsh environmental conditions.
  • Utilise Leak Detection Systems: Leak detection systems can help you pinpoint and detect all potential leaks in your tanks. Once they detect some leaks, they can swiftly notify and alert your employees so they can take action before any more damage develops. You can then call for professional help to have them serviced right away.
  • Apply Cathodic Protection: Petrol station fuel tanks are often made from metals. Without any protective elements, they may corrode over time. Fortunately, you can integrate cathodic protection on your petrol station fuel tanks so they will not corrode. Cathodic protection is done by installing a sacrificial anode in the tank. The anode allows itself to corrode instead of the tanks, extending their service life significantly.

Petrol station fuel tanks are vital components of your petrol station that allows you to fuel vehicles. They must be maintained regularly to ensure their continued safe operation.

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