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Everything You Should Know About Underground Gas Station Tanks

10 March 2023

Petrol stations store a huge volume of fuel every day so they can serve tons of motorists. Now, if you are still new to this industry, you must ensure that you are storing fuel in the right type of tank. For safety purposes, most fuel supply is stored in underground gas station tanks.

Underground gas station tanks, as their name implies, are built and constructed underground as they are much safer than the ones found above the ground. These tanks are often designed to hold volatile fuel as safely as possible. They are then connected to various dispensing stations aboveground, which are pre-programmed to deliver the fuel needed by the customers.

Underground gas station tanks are storage tanks that are buried below the ground at gas stations to hold the fuel that is dispensed at the pumps.

Underground Tanks Design

When planning and designing underground tanks, you must consider numerous factors. These factors include the material, overfill protection, and leak detection. Here’s everything you should know about them:

Types of Tanks: The most common types of underground gas station tanks are made of steel or fibreglass, with steel being the more traditional option. Fibreglass tanks are more resistant to corrosion and have a longer lifespan, but they can be more expensive.

Capacity: Underground gas station tanks typically have a capacity of 10,000 to 30,000 gallons. This allows gas stations to keep a large amount of fuel on hand for customers without having to restock too frequently.

Regulatory Requirements: Underground gas station tanks are subject to numerous regulatory requirements to ensure safety and prevent contamination of soil and groundwater. Regulations vary by country and state, but they typically cover installation, testing, monitoring, and maintenance of the tanks.

Installation: Installing underground gas station tanks requires careful planning and preparation to ensure they are installed correctly and safely. The site must be carefully prepared to ensure the tank is level and stable, and it must be installed in accordance with local regulations and industry standards.

Testing and Monitoring: Underground gas station tanks must be tested and monitored regularly to ensure they are not leaking and to detect any issues before they become a safety hazard. Testing typically involves using specialized equipment to measure the level of fuel in the tank and detect any leaks.

Maintenance: Regular maintenance is essential to ensure the tanks remain in good condition and continue to function safely. This can include tasks such as cleaning the tank, inspecting the pumps and piping, and replacing worn or damaged parts.

Risks and Safety: Underground gas station tanks pose a risk of fire, explosion, and environmental contamination if they are not installed, maintained, and monitored correctly. Gas stations must take steps to mitigate these risks, such as installing safety features like spill containment systems and emergency shut-off valves.

Overall, underground gas station tanks are an essential component of the fuel supply chain, but they must be managed carefully to ensure they do not pose a safety hazard to people or the environment.

For more information about underground gas station tanks and for proper installation and high-quality assurance, contact us at Future Fuel Services. We are a multi-disciplined fuel system installation company that is the leader in fuel infrastructure in Australia.

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